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Grade 8



-Parallel Lines, and Pairs of Angles

Self test

If you are using your phone and asked to "rotate to begin", rotate the view of your screen to landscape.

Angles in triangles and quadrilaterals


Make notes of the content and examples from the video in your notebook.

English A

Click the link below and complete the activity in Microsoft Word. When you have finished the activity, whatsapp the word document with your answers to your English Teacher. 


Complete the Activity and email or whatsapp your answers to your teacher. 

English A
English B
WEEK 1 - Prose

Click the link below and complete the puzzle in Microsoft Word. When you have finished the activity, whatsapp the word document with your answers to your English Teacher. 

Complete the other activities and send your answers before Friday.

WEEK 2 - Poetry

Instructions: Click the link below to read the  poem and notes. Complete the Activity and email or whatsapp your answers to your teacher. 

English B
Religious Education
Unit 2: Places and Leaders

Students should Read pages 38   - 49  from their textbook with the topics: 
1. Jesus: his life and ministry
2. Jesus: his death and resurrection
3. The prophet Muhammad 1
4. The prophet Muhammad 2
5. Holy places and pilgrimage


Students are required to pick up from their last topic, then make notes and complete  ' Things to do activities'. Some of the 'Things to do'  activities are stated as group work; however, they should be done individually.

Students who do not have a text book should  watch the videos and make notes on the founders.

Jerusalem- a HOLY CITY

Watch the video below on  Jerusalem -A holy city'  then complete the activities in your note books.

Religious Education
Physical Education
Grades 7, 8 & 9 - Girls
Grades 7, 8 & 9 - Boys
Grades 8 Boys and Girls

Grade 8 Boys

Physical Education

Grade 8 Girls 


Submit all assignments to:

Assignment 1

Write a paragraph on 4 of the following Jamaican Dance Personalities. This paragraph should give background information on each dancer as well as highlighting important aspects of their dance career.

A photograph of each dancer is required.


  1. Professor Rex Nettleford

  2. Dr. L’Antoinette Stines

  3. Marlon  Simms

  4. Kerry-Ann Henry 

  5. Clive Thompson 

  6. Patsy Ricketts

  7. Orville Hall

  8. Chris Walker 

  9. Neila Ebanks

  10. Barbara Requa 

Assignment 2

Create a 3-minute dance sequence using the following locomotor movements:


  • Walk 

  • Slide 

  • Hop 

  • Run 

  • Turns 

  • Jump 

  • Skip 

  • Roll

  • Gallop 

  • Crawl 

The dance sequence should have a clear beginning and ending.  The structure of the dance sequence is based on your creativity and should NOT follow the order in which the words are listed.


This sequence can be done with or without music and students should still follow the set dress code for the class for this presentation. Students who don’t follow the dress code will be penalized.  A


ll videos should be sent to this email address stating your name and grade with the attachment.


All videos should be submitted by April 20,2020 by 5pm.


Class Email:

Home & Family
Industrial Art
Industrial Art

All queries and homework should be emailed to 

Please include Your Name, Grade and Industrial Techniques Teacher 

Industrial Techniques

Read the notes and answer the following questions.

Agriculture and the environment notes and activity
Business Basics
Integrated Science
Diffusion and Osmosis
Integrated Science
Visual Arts
Task 1

Grade: 8


Teachers: Mr. Lindo Miss Facey, Mrs. Morgan-Reader, and Miss Ramlal


Instruction: Create a one-point perspective drawing on BLANK paper using the link below as a step-by-step guide. Drawing MUST BE COMPLETED USING A PENCIL. After drawing is completed, please take a picture of the work and send it to the email address provided. 


Your name and class must be written at the top of the work, and place in the subject when sending the email of the completed work. 


Nb: Work and questions should be sent to the following email address:

Visual Arts
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